Results From Drill Program At Standard Zone Central 


VANCOUVER, BC - Klondike Gold Corp. reported exploration results including assays from nineteen drill holes from the 2019 drill program testing the Stander Zone Central along the Nugget Fault on the Company's wholly owned 586 square kilometer Klondike District Property, Yukon Territory. The drill program intersected broad zones of gold mineralization containing local intervals of high-grade gold consistently across a 200-meter strike length.

Assay results for samples from nineteen (19) drill holes (EC19-255 to EC19-259 plus EC19-266 to EC19-269) (EC19-270 to EC19-272 plus EC19-320 to EC19-335) are newly reported. The nineteen holes were drilled in an area of 200 meters by 100 meters located at Km 6.7 to Km 6.9 along the newly defined 15-kilometer baseline length of the Stander Zone. 

The Company engaged GroundTruth Exploration Inc. of Dawson, YT to conduct GT-Probe surveying, an overburden penetrating system designed to sample bedrock, to identify gold along the Nugget Fault corresponding to strike extensions of Stander Zone gold mineralization. A total of 75 samples were collected on each of two lines spaced 400 meters apart, with samples at 5-meter spaced intervals, at Stander Zone Central (Km 6.5 and Km 6.9) to test for extensions in both directions. Both GT-Probe lines returned anomalous results in areas where extensions of Stander Zone mineralization could be expected. The southeastern line returned 5 samples across 20 meters with values up to 0.5 g/t Au. One hundred meters further south on the southeastern line, the GT-Probe detected a previously unknown second gold interval of 3 samples across 10 meters with values up to 0.9 g/t Au.

The survey successfully detected interpreted extensions of the Stander Zone gold mineralization as well as identifying a potentially new parallel zone. These will be priority drill targets in 2020.

The Stander Zone gold mineralization and associated Nugget Fault is marked in geophysics by an intense northwest trending magnetic low, a major "D3" structure as defined in the Company's orogenic gold model. This magnetic low target associated with gold mineralization is traceable across the northwestern end of the Klondike District Property for a distance of 15 kilometers. To aid exploration and understanding of the scale of this gold-mineralized structure, the Company has divided the magnetic low into three five-kilometer segments along a 15-kilometer baseline length as measured from point "Km 10" in outcrop in Upper Eldorado Creek.

The northwest 5-kilometer segment from "Km 0" to Km 5" ("Stander Zone NW") has had no systematic exploration. Prospecting within this segment located an historic (c.1900) undocumented bedrock shaft with quartz in the ‘ore pile' (assays to 2.3 g/t Au at Km 2) and gold in quartz veining in outcrop (assays to 8.5 g/t Au at Km 3) within a significant fault zone now interpreted to be the northwest continuation of the Nugget Fault. This portion of the Stander Zone is offset slightly southward across the Eldorado Fault.

The central 5-kilometer segment ("Stander Zone Central") includes nearly all of the Stander Zone gold showings and has seen the vast majority of recent work including drilling. The central segment has gold mineralized quartz veins in outcrop and drilling across the 5-kilometer length, from Glacier Gulch (visible gold, assays to 9 g/t Au at Km 5) to Upper Eldorado Creek (visible gold, assays to 24 g/t Au at Km 10). The area of drilling described in this news release occurs between Km 6.7 and Km 6.9.

The southwest 5-kilometer segment ("Stander Zone SE") has also had only cursory exploration. It begins at Upper Eldorado Creek (visible gold, assays to 24 g/t Au at Km 10). Brief prospecting within this segment in 2019 located gold in quartz veining in outcrop in a creek (assays to 4 g/t Au at Km 12).

Stander Zone Central drilling has intersected gold mineralization from surface over broad widths, consistent with previous drill results.

Gold in Stander Zone Central outcrops at surface between Km 6.7 and Km 6.9. The gold is coarse, visible free gold usually 1-mm in size but commonly occurs in larger clots to 1-cm size, hosted by quartz veining. Individual quartz veins range in size from 0.1 to 1.0+ meters with many close-spaced veins defining individual zones. These quartz vein zone(s) strike to the northwest adjacent to and above (in the hanging wall of) the controlling Nugget Fault. Individual quartz veins have a shallow 30-degree northeast dip however the aggregate quartz vein zones geometrically extend sub-horizontally away from the Nugget Fault for approximately 50 meters, forming gold zone(s) exposed at surface and running parallel to the Stander Zone / Nugget Fault along the slope.

The Company announced a drill intersection of 1,009 g/t Au with 1,035 g/t Ag over 1.0 meter in EC19-267 (see news release August 6, 2019). Subsequently, the Company re-engaged structural consultants SRK (Toronto) who conducted detailed core relogging and examination of oriented core measurements. This work interpreted the gold-bearing interval to be related to a cross-cutting northeast-trending structure (a "D4" structure in the Company's orogenic model) that cuts the northwest-trending ("D3") Stander Zone / Nugget Fault. This supports the Company's interpretation that D4 structures are conduits for gold-bearing fluids and that both D4 and D3 structures are potentially gold mineralized exploration targets with a cross-cutting pattern analogous to a checkerboard.

Remaining unreleased 2019 drill results plus results from other work such as additional soil sampling, GT-Probe surveying at Lone Star Zone, rock (channel) sampling and oriented core analysis are also pending.